Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Welcome, we are really excited to get to know you and your children this year and work on some exciting units together. We have lots of different topics coming up this year and this page will give you all of the key information you need to know throughout.
Staff supporting Year 1 from September 2024 are;
Mrs Marok
Miss Evans
Mrs Dicken
Miss Carter
Mrs Thear
Miss Sprigg
Mrs Nandra
Mrs Whitehead
PE Days This year we will have PE each Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school in appropriate PE clothing each and every Wednesday. Remember children will wear these clothes during break time and dinner time so must be appropriate for the weather. |
Reading- your child is expected to read at home at least 3 times each week along with an adult signing their reading record. They have access to an online version of their assigned individual reader and a copy for the weekend. This book must be returned on a Monday for our next group to read. Children will also have a ‘book to share’ with someone at home.
Maths- your child will need to know how to count to 20, then 50 and 100 by the end of the year. To help with this we encourage you to count whilst walking or waiting for something. Try starting and ending at random numbers also.
By the end of the year, pupils should know their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. There are some interactive games that can be played at school and home.
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To see more information on the topics we will explore, please see the curriculum tab.
Contact Info
Should you need to speak to a member of Year 1 staff, you can speak to someone on the door of a morning or email us on