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Vision for Computing at Hall Green Primary School

We understand the immense value technology provides not only in supporting the Computing and whole-school curriculum, but over-all in the day-to-day life of our school. We believe that technology should be embraced and accessible by all, regardless of ability.

We believe that technology can provide: enhanced collaborative learning opportunities; better engagement of pupils; easier access to rich content; support conceptual understanding of new concepts and can support the needs of all our pupils.

We aim to develop confident, enthusiastic and skilled users of a broad range of technologies. We aim to equip children to not only be highly capable operators, but also to become developers and innovators themselves. Providing children with a rich and broad experience at school will contribute to essential knowledge that our children will need to prepare them for their future success beyond primary school.


Our curriculum is custom-made to engage learners with a variety of experiences on a range of software and hardware. We aim to enable pupils to gain the skills and confidence they deserve in a well-balanced Computing curriculum, complimented by strong cross-curricular links.


Our curriculum is taught weekly or fortnightly, depending on the needs of the children. Staff consider whether a single or a double lesson will better allow the children to delve into a unit. Children access units that have been deliberately organised to ensure that children cover all strands of computing with a regular and relevant, much-needed focus on Online Safety.


Measuring the impact of our provision allows for changes to be made, where necessary. Immediate assessment of attainment, evidence books, pupil voice, planning and national advice all contribute to the measurement of impact and the next steps forward.

If you have any further questions regarding Computing provision, then please do not hesitate to contact Mr Cotterill at