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News Feed

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  • New house names

    Published 27/09/24

    New House Names!

    We start this new school year with the launch of our new house names, that will replace our planet names previously.  They are Fire (red), Earth (green), Water (blue) and Air (yellow.)  The children have been very excited earning lots of house points for their new house, ready for the weekly house point trophy!

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  • Year 6 Leavers Party and Sleepover

    Published 12/07/24

    Year 6 have had a wonderful end to their week celebrating the end of their time at Hall Green. 

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  • House Points 12.07.24

    Published 12/07/24

    Jupiter won the trophy as the winning house for our last house point week.  Well done Jupiter! 

    Overall, Mars is the winning house for this school year!

    A huge well done to everyone for all of your hard work, you have earned lots of house points for your house Miss Lewis would like to say a big thank you to all of our house captains, you have been perfect role models for your house. We wish you lots of luck and best wishes in moving on to secondary school.


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  • House Points 28.06.24

    Published 28/06/24

    Congratulations Pluto! Another winning week for you! Who will win next week?

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  • MAF Day!

    Published 26/06/24

    Today, there was much excitement when the MAF plane visited us!

    We enjoyed learning about MAF in our whole class assembly and learning activities.  We created our own paper planes and used them in a target challenge.  We also played a game of 'Guess the Cargo.'  Then, most excitingly, we all had the opportunity to sit inside the MAF plane, to see what it would be like to fly!  

    This is a day and experience we will always remember!

    Donations are still welcome to help contribute to the brilliant work of the MAF.

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  • MAF Fundraising Activities

    Published 21/06/24

    And the winners are...

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  • House point winners - 21.06.24

    Published 21/06/24

    Pluto were the winners again this week! Keep up the hard work everyone!  Don't forget we will be awarding a house point trophy for each winning house on our upcoming sports days.

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  • Frank Chapman Day 4

    Published 20/06/24

    The last full day at Frank Chapman was another busy day! The children woke up bright and early and after breakfast and some games split back into their groups for their final activities.

    Some groups had a go at the high ropes and other groups took on mountain biking! All the groups also took part in bush craft where they got to make a fire and build a den in teams!

    After dinner and a game of hide and seek, the children watched the England v Denmark game on the big screen whilst other children took part in some arts and crafts activities.

    Tomorrow for our final morning we will be taking part in some orienteering through the forest before we get back on the coach to come home! The children are all very tired, not too dirty and very happy with all the activities they got to take part in! 

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  • Frank Chapman Day 3

    Published 19/06/24

    Today was another very busy, fun filled day for Year 6! They set off bright and early on a long walk through the woods to Bewdley and once they arrived at Bewdley, they enjoyed some chips with their sandwiches and visited the local sweet shop! 
    They had to then do another long walk back through the woods to the Frank Chapman centre and although they were very tired, they kept going and kept their spirits high all the way back!

    After such a long walk, they are now going to enjoy a more chilled evening of dinner, watching a movie and a shower! 

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  • Frank Chapman Day 2

    Published 18/06/24

    Year 6 had another fun filled day! They woke up bright and early and started their group activities. The groups took part in different activities such as mountain biking, abseiling, high ropes and even tree climbing! 

    All the children enjoyed a big lunch and a big dinner of sausages and mash before going outside to take part in a fun evening game! 

    All the children are really tired so hopefully everyone will get a good sleep tonight for our walk to Bewdley tomorrow!

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  • Frank Chapman Day 1

    Published 17/06/24

    Year 6 have had busy first day on their residential trip at Frank Chapman! We arrived and met our instructors who told us all about Frank Chapman.

    We had some lunch and spent the afternoon working together in team building activities. We also had to create a safe nest for an egg for our egg drop competition! 

    After dinner, we went on a walk through the forest and found the Magic Tree! We had to do a special dance and make a wish! 

    We then finished the day with hot chocolate and biscuits whilst we wrote our first diary entry! A very long and busy day but lots of fun too!

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  • House Points 14.06.24

    Published 14/06/24

    Pluto were the clear winners this week! Great work everyone!

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